Healthy Smoothie Meal Option – The Super Smoothie

Smoothie ingredients
Ingredients for a super smoothie.

I refer to this healthy smoothie as “super” because it’s power packed with antioxidants and probiotics.  I’ve been using the same recipe to make this for almost twenty years, and I still love it.  I often have this instead of lunch or dinner.

 (Quick note – a few of my friends and family experienced stomach issues when they first started making this healthy smoothie.  I think the amount of fiber and probiotics can be a lot at first!)


Blend all the following ingredients in a blender and enjoy.

  • 1 package of frozen Acai (sweetened or unsweetened)
  • 1 frozen banana*
  • ½ cup of:
    •  Frozen blueberries
    •  2% plain yogurt
    • Plain Kefir
    • Pomegranate juice

*I peel and wrap ripe bananas in plastic and freeze them. I much prefer using a frozen banana instead of ice.

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