National Ornamental Metal Museum
If you’re looking for something interesting and off the beaten path, visit the National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, Tennessee. We recently visited and enjoyed learning about its history and checking out the exhibits.

We were on a Mississippi riverboat cruise when the guide pointed out the museum. It’s in an area which was known as Fort Pickering. Originally, the buildings opened in 1884 as a US Marine Hospital. At one time, it cared for Civil War veterans and conducted research to find a cure for yellow fever. Eventually, the hospital closed in the 1960s. Fortunately, the metal museum was born and opened in 1979.

The museum has both a working blacksmith shop and a foundry. Visitors can observe blacksmiths at work and learn about metalworking. Even better, you can schedule a metalworking lesson and get some hands on experience. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to take any classes, but we’d love to plan that for a future trip.
The museum has rotating exhibits We were lucky to be there and see an exhibit called “Measured Making: The 150 mm challenge.” The museum’s website describes the exhibit: “Borne from the #150mmChallenge, this exhibition celebrates the unbridled creativity and possibility of forged ironwork. Curated by Delyth Done, it features work by amateur and professional blacksmiths who each turned a 150mm x 20mm x 20mm steel rectangle into something spectacular.” With permission of the museum, we have posted some of our favorite creations.

If you are in the Memphis area, consider a visit to the museum and check out one of their guided tours. Also be sure to research their activities and events before you go. For active duty military visitors, the museum offers free admission for you and your family. Finally, the museum offers free admission on Thursdays for Tennessee residents and is accessible for people with disabilities.
The National Ornamental Metal Museum is unusual, interesting and educational. Overall, we definitely recommend a visit if you’re in Memphis.