Rose Quartz

I’ve collected gemstones and minerals for many years, but have always gravitated toward rose quartz. My interest in this stone is because of its broad range of pink hues. I like both the amazing jewelry it makes as well as the raw stone itself. Rose quartz has become more popular in recent years and is used in a wide variety of products. I’ve seen it listed in ingredients of beauty products such as face wash, face powder, lotions and makeup. Rose quartz face rollers and eye “de-puffers” are now popular too.

Natural Rose quartz and beads
Natural rose quartz and beads


Rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, and prasiolite are in the quartz family. It has a Mohs hardness rating of 7. By comparison, diamonds have a Mohs hardness rating of 10. It contains trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese which may be what give the stone its pink color. Some samples show “asterism” similar to star sapphires. Examples from certain locations show a star if they are cut into a sphere or cabochon. Researchers have recently tried to determine what specifically gives the stone its pink color and asterism. Investigators found pink fibers they named “dididumortierite.” They believe these fibers are the reason for the stone’s pink coloration.

Where you can find Rose Quartz

You can find rose quartz in almost every continent including Brazil, South Africa, India, and Madagascar. Most is mined in Brazil today, but there are also large deposits in the United States. Several states including North Carolina and Colorado have mines. However, the largest deposit was originally found in Custer, South Dakota.

In South Dakota today you can find pieces along roadsides in the Black Hills or its western grasslands. However if you want to collect larger stones you will need a permit or permission. In both Buffalo Gap National Forest and the Black Hills National Forest, there are farms and ranches that will allow you to collect stones for a fee. There are also some mines that may let you dig through their tailings for a fee. Make sure you do research before you go to find the best places to dig.

Dark pink rose quartz
Dark pink variety

Rose Quartz Jewelry

Because you can find this stone in abundance, it is relatively inexpensive. This makes it an affordable resource for jewelry and and small decorative objects. Man made rose quartz has been created, but there is no need for it because the natural stone can be found all over the world. The stone comes in many shades of pink ranging from light to dark, so its versatile colors make it a favorite for a variety of uses. You normally find it as a translucent stone, and inclusions cause its cloudy appearance. If you find transparent material, this is a better quality of stone. You will often find it cut faceted, because it is higher quality. It also comes in all sizes, or carat weights, when looking for jewelry.

Rose Quartz Jewelry
Rose Quartz Jewelry
Rose Quartz Beads
Examples of Beads

Rose quartz has always appealed to people, especially, gem collectors all over the world. You can find beads dating back to 7000 b.c. in the area once know as Mesopotamia. Throughout the ages different societies have attributed magical powers to rose quartz. Many cultures refer to it as the love stone. People still believe it balances your emotions.

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Kathleen Spence

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